Wednesday, 21 November 2012

A Brief on the Need of Commercial Driver Training for Your Drivers

A commercial van driver has many responsibilities and obligations which he must bear carefully. The driver is responsible to himself, to his passengers, to all those he shares the road with including the pedestrians, other drivers, bicyclists, etc. As a fleet manager, you would expect him to enhance your company's reputation as well, while protecting the vehicle and passengers. When driving a motor vehicle, the driver is responsible for the well-being of others and the vehicle.

Reputations, costs, and, most importantly, lives are at stake.

It is advisable to ensure your van drivers enroll in 15-Passenger Van Training and Commercial Driver Training Courses provided by Drive Fleet. The training courses are designed to make your drivers proactive and alert to be able to avoid mishaps and deal with difficult situations efficiently to minimize damage while reducing costs and risk.

Van tire condition is an important factor causing accidents on the road. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, about 74% of all 15-passenger vans had over- or under-inflated tires, both of which can cause tire failure or a blowout. In most states of the U.S., tires are legally worn out when they've 2/32" of remaining tread depth. If you drive vehicles with treads that are worn more than this, you could be in violation of the law and exposed to liability if you are in a crash.

Drivers are trained on the critical aspects of 15-passenger van and commercial vehicle safety as part of the 15-Passenger Van Training and Commercial Driver Training Courses. For more information, please visit

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